
Reduce IT Dependencies for your SharePoint Customizations

Reduce IT Dependencies for your SharePoint Customizations

Reduce IT Dependencies for your SharePoint Customizations

We all know that SharePoint is a great platform for enterprise collaboration and content management. Millions of people worldwide are using SharePoint as a secure hub for storing, organizing, sharing, and accessing the information on the fly (from any device).

With periodic enhancements, SharePoint has evolved into a highly customizable platform for enterprises. Because of this nature, businesses are using SharePoint to develop powerful apps to accomplish their key critical business requirements.

However, to achieve this, users have a lot of dependencies on IT professionals and SharePoint developers. Moreover, hiring a SharePoint developer is a cost and effort-intensive task. On the other hand, the IT department is usually overburdened with their SLAs and they struggle to match the demands of the users. As a result, it takes more time for users to get the customizations and changes they want, thereby impacting their deliverables. Long waiting periods create dangers of falling behind for the businesses as the marketplace is intensely competitive and dynamic.

Though the modern-day workforce is more tech-savvy than they ever were, building custom applications on SharePoint is something that is way beyond their technology know-how.  Some enterprises rescue this situation by hiring costly professional SharePoint developers. However, even professional developers would require months to build the perfect custom solution. No prizes for guessing that this not only adds to additional costs but the turnaround time also increases. On top of this, there is a huge risk of losing exclusive organizational knowledge if your SharePoint developers leave your organization. In such a scenario your projects will be further delayed.

So, what is the solution?

The answer to this question is, you need a “Code Free” SharePoint Application Development Solution. With such a solution there will be no dependencies on the IT department or SharePoint developers. In short, you need a tool that empowers your organizational users to build powerful applications on SharePoint quickly all by themselves, utilizing a ‘No Code’ approach to application development.

However, people often get confused between No-code and Low code, though these two are different concepts. As per a recent study by Forrester Research, the total spending on the low-code category is forecasted to reach $21.2 billion by 2022, representing a compound annual growth rate of roughly 40%.

Considering this data, we can safely assume that spending on no-code solutions is also going to be high and, in the future, it is going to be in great demand.

QuickApps offers a ‘No-Code’ approach to SharePoint Customization. First, let us understand a little about what is a ‘No-Code SharePoint Application Development’

No-Code Application Development Solutions like QuickApps mitigates the need for scripting all those lines of code. It offers a ‘point and click’ configuration to create applications with the desired business requirement. All a user has to do is select the options and the kind of outputs required and select the right options. There is absolutely no coding involved in the entire process.

What does all this mean?

This simply means that even a non-coder can develop applications with a simple point and click.

How is it better?

A ‘No-Code’ SharePoint customization solution has many advantages. QuickApps from AgreeYa is a leading ‘Code-Free’ SharePoint Customization Solution. Let us discuss its advantages in detail-

  1. Saves time and money – A ‘Code-Free’ SharePoint Customization App empowers the users to make any desired customizations to SharePoint on their own without any support from a SharePoint developer. This makes the process faster and certainly saves a lot of time that will go into developing an App using coding. Also, it saves businesses from spending on hiring SharePoint professionals which are expensive resources. QuickApps makes application development 80% faster.
  2. Improves time to market and operational efficiency – A ‘Code-Free” SharePoint Customization App accelerates your time to market. Since developing an application without coding is much faster as compared to coding, and hence it improves time to deliver your application. It improves the operational efficiency of the users and reduces the turnaround time of App delivery.
  3. Makes business processes more structured – QuickApps being a codeless SharePoint customization App, empowers users to develop the application as per their business requirement to improve business processes, simplify tedious tasks, and enhance overall functioning.
  4. Fast and improved decision making – QuickApps offers point and click configuration to create the applications as per the business requirement. Using the App, management can take quick and informed decisions.
  5. QuickApps has a short learning curve. Using video training and tutorials, users can easily build/ customize SharePoint to meet their job-specific requirements. Apart from this, users can utilize best practices, and tips from QuickApps experts to quickly learn about various use cases of the tool.
  6. 24X7 support available – AgreeYa provides round the clock customer support for any issues regarding QuickApps. Our experts will guide you through all the steps if you are stuck anywhere

QuickApps, because of its “No-Code” functionality offers scopes for unlimited customizations, business growth, competitive differentiation, and a sustainable business model.

QuickApps caters to both SharePoint On-premise as well as Office 365. Though most organizations are shifting towards Office365, still many organizations are still working with on-premise. QuickApps offers WebApps for both on-premise and Office 365 qlistView, qchartView, qExcelView, qcalenderView are some of the most popular WebApps. Depending upon your environment, select the WebApps that meet your business need.

For free trial visit, http://quickapps.staging.agreeya.com write to us at quickapps@agreeya.com